Device-independent quantum random-number generation 生成器件无关的量子随机数


Randomness is important for many information processing applications, including numerical modelling and cryptography[1,2].
Device-independent quantum random-number generation(DIQRNG)[3,4] based on the loophole-free violation of a Bell inequality produces genuine, unpredictable randomness without requiring any assumptions about the inner workings of the devices, and is therefore an ultimate goal in the field of quantum information science[5-7].
Previously reported experimental demonstrations of DIQRNG[8,9] were not provably secure against the most general adversaries or did not close the ‘locality’ loophole of the Bell test.
先前报道的 DIQRNG 实验成果无法证明对大多数敌手来说都是安全的并且也没有关闭贝尔测试中的局域性漏洞.
Here we present DIQRNG that is secure against quantum and classical adversaries[10-12].
我们的实验显示了 DIQRNG 实验对于量子和经典敌手都是安全的.
We use state-of-the-art quantum optical technology to create, modulate and detect entangled photon pairs

[4] Mayers, D. & Yao, A. Quantum cryptography with imperfect apparatus.
[5] Ma, X., Yuan, X., Cao, Z., Qi, B. & Zhang, Z. Quantum random number generation. npj Quantum Inf. 2, 16021(2016).

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