Translation of Bitcoin notes


Chapter 4: The Blockchain

The blockchain is the database containing a record of all Bitcoin transactions since Bitcoin came into existence in 2009.
The blockchain consists of a linear list of blocks where each block is composed of a block header followed by a list of Bitcoin transactions.
This is illustrated in Figure 4.1.
如图 4.1 所示。
Figure 4.1
A Bitcoin transaction involves the transfer of bitcoins between entities.
We will specify the format of a transaction in the next chapter.
For now, a transaction can be thought of as an encoding of the details of a transfer of bitcoins from source Bitcoin addresses to destination Bitcoin addresses.

The first block in the blockchain(the genesis block) was created in January 2009.
比特币的第一个区块(创世块)于 2019 年 1 月被创建。
As for July 2017, the blockchain had more than 478,000 blocks and occupied approximately 125 gigabytes of disk space.
而到了2017年7月,区块链已有超过 478000 个区块并且占据了大概 125G 的硬盘空间。
Until August 2017, the maximum size of a block was 1 megabyte (1,000,000 bytes).
In August 2017, a new feature called Segregated Witness(SegWit) was activated in the Bitcoin network which effectively increased the maximum block size to 4 megabytes.
在2017年8月,一个叫做隔离证明(SegWit)的新特性在比特币网络中被激活,有效地将最大块规模扩大到 4MB。
The motivation for and design of SegWit will be discussed in the next chapter as it requires us to first understand some shortcomings in the pre-SegWit Bitcoin system.

In this chapter, we will describe the blockchain and explain the motivation behind different aspects of its design.

4.1 Rewarding Blockchain Updation

The task of storing and updating the blockchain is performed collectively by the nodes in the Bitcoin P2P network.
Nodes called full nodes store a copy of the blockchain on their hard disks.
When a full node connects to the Bitcoin network for the first time, it downloads a copy of the blockchain from the existing full nodes.
The task of adding blocks to the blockchain is called mining and is done by full nodes called miners.
The naming convention for mining/miners was chosen because the mining task involves the solution to a difficult computational problem and a miner which successfully solves such a problem is rewarded with newly created bitcoins.
This reward is called the block subsidy and is currently equal to 12.5 bitcoins per block.

We will discuss the details of the computational problem used in Bitcoin mining in Section 4.3 after we describe the block header structure.

4.3 Mining

A miner node forms a candidate block by collecting some transactions from its mempool.

The height of a block in the blockchain is the number of blocks preceding it.
The genesis block has height 0, the immediate successor of the genesis block has height 1 and so on.
Suppose a miner node is attempting to add a candidate block at height $N$.
The newest block in the node’s copy of the blockchain has height $N-1$.
区块链副本上的的最新区块高度为 N-1.
The hashPrevBlock field of the candidate block header is populated with the block hash of the block at height N-1.
候选块的 hashPrevBlock 字段由高度N-1的区块计算而来。
The hashMerkleRoot field is populated with the Merkle root of the transactions in the candidate block.
hashMerkleRoot 字段由候选块中交易生成的 Merkle 数计算而来。
The nVersion field contains the current block version number.

The nTime field is populated with a timestamp in Unix time format to record the time of candidate block creation.
nTime 字段在 Unix 时间格式下记录候选块的生成时间戳。
The Unix time is the number of seconds which have elapsed since 12:00 AM Coordinated Universal Time on January 1st, 1970 with deductions to account for leap seconds.
Unix时间指的是从标准国际时间1970年1月1日 12:00 AM 到当前时间所经历的秒数。
Each node in the network has a local clock which is not necessarily synchronized with the local clocks of the other nodes.
So there is no globally unique notion of time in the network.
The Bitcoin system does not specify an explicit algorithm for calculating the nTime field in a candidate block.
比特币系统没有指明在一个候选区块中计算 nTime 字段的直接算法,
However, it imposes two constraints to ensure that the timestamp in the nTime field is approximately correct:

  • In a candidate block at height N, the nTime field is required to be strictly greater than the median of the nTime values in the 11 blocks in the blockchain at heights N-1, N-2, …, N-11.
    在一个高度为 N 的候选区块中,要求nTime字段应严格大于高度为N-1, N-2, …, N-11区块的所有nTime值的中位数。
    Note that this constraint causes the median-time-past values to increase monotonically with block height, even if the nTime fields do not. 注意到此项约束使得随着区块高度的增长,中位数时间单调递增。
  • When a network node receives a candidate block created by a miner, it rejects it if the nTime field specifies a time which exceeds the node’s network-adjusted time by more than two hours.
    The network-adjusted time at a node is the median of the local clocks of the other nodes it is connected to.

A miner node is free set to the nTime field to any value which satisfies these constraints.
The first constraint specifies a lower bound on nTime which can be calculated from the current blocks in the blockchain.

Assuming that the output of the SHA-256 function behaves like a random 256-bit string where each bit is equally like to be 0 or 1 independently of the other bits, the probability that the block hash falls below the target threshold T for a trial nNonce value is
p = \frac{T+1}{2^256}

Modelling each try by the miner as a Bernoulli random process with success probability p, the average number of trials required to find a block hash below the threshold 1/p.

4.4 Bitcoin Transactions

While a single output in the coinbase transaction is sufficient for a miner to gain control of the block reward, multiple outputs give the miner flexibility to distribute the block reward to multiple addresses.

The amounts in the regular transaction outputs can take any value as long as the sum of the amounts does not exceed the total amount of bitcoins unlocked by the inputs.

How is the value of the transaction

4.5 Bitcoin Ownership

When an output of a previous transaction is unlocked by the input of a later transaction, all the bitcoins in the output need to be spent.
This implies that a transaction output can be in only one of two states: spent or unspent.

Chapter 5 Bitcoin Transactions

In this section, we give a high-level description of Bitcoin transactions in order to discuss the security properties of the blockchain.
A more detailed description of the transaction format will be given in Chapter 5.

A Bitcoin transaction encodes a transfer of bitcoins between entities.
A destination of the transfer in a transaction is called an output.
A single transaction can have several outputs.
Each output in a transaction can server as a source of bitcoins in a later transaction.
When previous transaction outputs are specified as sources of bitcoins in a transaction, they are called input.
A coinbase transaction has no input and at least one output.
一个 coinbase 交易没有输入但至少有一个输出。
There is no input because the source of bitcoins is not a previous transaction output but the block reward, i.e., the sum of the block subsidy and the transaction fees from the transactions in the block.
Each output in the coinbase transaction specifies two items:
每个 coinbase 交易的输出需要指定两项:

  • The amount of bitcoins from the block reward which are associated with this output. 块中与此次输出相关的奖励比特币的数量
  • A script which specifies the conditions under which the bitcoins associated with this output can be spent. 指定了与当前输出相关联的、比特币可被花费的条件的脚本

The script in an output can be thought of as a challenge.
An entity which provides a satisfactory response can transfer the bitcoins associated with the output.
Figure 4.9 illustrates a bitcoin transaction with two outputs.
图 4.9 展现的是一个拥有两个输出的比特币交易。
Figure 4.9

The first output specifies an amount of $x_1$ and a challenge script $C_1$.
第一个输出指明了数额 $x_1$ 和挑战脚本 $C_1$。
A satisfactory response to $C_1$ is needed to spend the $x_1$ bitcoins.
花费掉 $x_1$ 比特币需要一个对 $C_1$ 的正确回应。
Similarly, a satisfactory response to the challenge script $C_2$ is needed to spend the $x_2$ bitcoins in the second output.

Pre-SegWit Regular Transactions

The format of a pre-SegWit regular transaction is shown in Figure 5.2.
Figure 5.2

The field names in teletype font (like nVersion) are from the Bitcoin Core reference client.
以电文字体表示的字段名(比如 nVersion)从比特币核心参考客户端中获取。

5.5 Pre-SegWit Standard Scripts

When a new regular transaction is broadcast on the network for inclusion in the blockchain, each node which hears the transaction validates it by evaluating the challenge and response scripts.
Valid transactions are then relayed by the node to its neighboring nodes, which in turn will perform their own validation.
If no restrictions are placed on the challenge and response scripts, a malicous node can construct scripts which consume excessive amounts of CPU time or RAM at each network node during script validation.
This constitutes a denial-of-service (DoS) attack on the network as regular transactions broadcasted by non-malicious nodes will experience delays before they are recorded on the blockchain.
这会在网络上形成一次拒绝服务攻击(denial-of-service, DoS),导致当常规交易被非恶意结点广播而记录进区块链之前的时候会遭遇时延。
To avoid such DoS attacks, network nodes will not relay transactions containing scripts which do not belong a limited set of standard scripts.
Prior to SegWit activation, the set of standard challenge scripts consisted of the five script templates: Pay to Public Key(P2PK), Pay to Public Key Hash(P2PKH), m-of-n Multi-signature

Pay To Public Key(P2PK)

The P2PK challenge script template has a scriptPubkey field which consists of a data push of a public key followed by the OP_CHECKSIG operator.
P2PK 锁定脚本模板有一个 scriptPubkey 字段,该字段包括一个公钥数据的入栈,后面紧跟着 OP_CHECKSIG 操作符。
The public key can be in either compressed (33 bytes) or uncompressed (65 bytes) format.
公钥可以以压缩形式(33 字节)或非压缩形式存储(65 字节)。
For compressed public keys, the scriptPubkey is of the form
对于压缩的公钥,scriptPubkey 有如下形式

0x21 <Compressed Public Key> OP_CHECKSIG

其中,0x21 操作符往栈中压入包含之后33字节的字节数组。对于非压缩形式的公钥,scriptPubkey 有如下形式

0x41 <Uncompressed Public Key> OP_CHECKSIG

Usually, the sizes of data push operations are omitted from script descriptions.
With such an omission, the P2PK challenge script template is given by

<Public Key> OP_CHECKSIG

Let $x_1$ and $x_2$ be the top two elements in the stack when the OP_CHECKSIG operator is executed.
OP_CHECKSIG uses the ECDSA signature verification procedure from Section 2.5 to check that $x_2$ is a valid signature when $x_1$ is used as the public key.

m-of-n Multi-Signature (Multisig)

A m-of-n multisig challenge script specifies n public keys and requires a valid response script to provide m ECDSA signatures created using any m out of the n private keys corresponding to these public keys.
一个 m-of-n 多签名锁定脚本指定了 n 个公钥并且要求一个有效的解锁脚本能提供 m 个 ECDSA 签名使用从 n 个私钥中根据公钥任取 m 个。

Transaction Version

Input Format

Each input in a pre-SegWit regular transaction has the same five fields.
Firgure 5.2 shows these fields for the first input.
The fields in the other inputs are not shown for brevity.
The input fields have the following semantics.

  • The hash field contains the 256-bit transaction identifier(TXID) of a previous transaction containing the output which will be unlocked by this input. 256比特交易标识(TXID)的hash字段包含将被此次输入解锁的前一笔交易的输出。 The field is called hash because the TXID is the double SHA-256 hash of the previous transaction. 称此字段为hash是因为此 TXID 是前一笔交易的双SHA-256杂凑值。
  • The 4-byte n field contains the index of the output being unlocked in the previous transaction.


In spite of its limited functionality, the Bitcoin scripting language can be used to create contracts which encode conditional exchange of bitcoins among entities.
The entities participating in a contract typically signal their intent by signing a transaction or by providing a valid response script to unlock a UTXO.
Some contracts have safeguards protecting honest entities against malicious or uncooperative behaviour other participants.
These safaguards either enable complete recovery of the bitcoins invested by the honest entities while entering the contract.
While there are several contracts possible, we discuss three examples:
我们从若干个合约选出三个例子来说明:escrow, 微支付, 和去中心化


Consider the scenario where Alice(the buyer) wants to purchase a used book from Bob(the seller) using bitcoins.
假设Alice(买家)想使用比特币从 Bob(卖家)那里买一本旧书。
Alice and Bob live in different cities making it infeasible for them to meet and perform the transaction.
Alice 和 Bob 住在不同的城市,这使得他们见面执行交易变得不可行。
Bob promises to ship the book to Alice once he receives the bitcoin payment.
Bob 承诺一旦他收到比特币付款便把书交付给 Alice。
But Alice does not trust Bob and fears that he may not send her the book after receiving the payment.
To reduce her risk, Alice proposes to use an escrow contract to pay Bob.
The contract needs a third party Carol(the escrow) who both Alice and Bob trust.
The contract proceeds as follows:

  1. Alice requests public keys from Bob and Carol. Let these keys be PubKeyB and PubKeyC respectively.
  2. Alice transfers $x$ bitcoins to a 2-to-3 multisig output which has the challenge script
    Alice 转$x$比特币给一个2-to-3 多签名输出,多签名输出带有锁定脚本:
    OP_2 <PubKeyA> <PubKeyB> <PubKeyC> OP_3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG

其中 PubKeyA 是 Alice 的公钥。

  1. Once Bob sees that Alice’s transaction has appeared on the blockchain, he ships the book to Alice.
  2. The funds locked in the multisig output can be spent if any two of Alice, Bob, and Carol provide signatures created by their respective private keys.
    Any of the three following scenarios can happen.
    (i) Alice is happy with the book she has received.
    She signs a transaction which unlocks the 2-of-3 multisig output and transfers the $x$ bitcoins(minus the transaction fees) to the P2PK address containing Bob’s public key.
    她签名交易以解锁2-to-3多签名输出(此时只有1个签名尚不能解锁),然后转账 $x$ 比特币(减去交易税)到Bob的公钥付款地址。
    She sends this transaction to Bob who adds his own signature and broadcasts it on the network for inclusion on the blockchain.
    (ii) Alice receives the book but refuses to sign the transaction paying Bob.
    Bob provides proof of shipment to the escrow Carol and requests her to sign a transaction paying him.
    (iii) Bob does not ship the book to Alice. Furthermore, he refuses to sign the transaction refunding the bitcoin to Alice.
    Bob 没有寄书给 Alice。进一步地,他没有签署退款给 Alice 的交易。

The above escrow contract fails if the escrow Carol colludes with Alice or Bob.
If Alice and Carol collude, then they can refuse to pay Bob even if he sent the book to Alice.
If Bob and Carol collude, then they can transfer the bitcoins to any address without sending the book to Alice.
Another weakness of the contrast is that it is difficult for Bob to give proof of shipment.
He can send the tracking information of the package to Carol but the package ifself may be empty.

6.2 Micropayments

Even Bitcoin transaction involves paying transaction fees which makes using Bitcoin to make small payments expensive (the transaction fees may exceed the payment amount).
But if a sequence of small payments are to be made to the same entity, the micropayment contract can be used which aggregates the small payments and requires that transaction fees be paid for only one transation.
Consider the scenario where Alice offers proofreading and editing services online in return for bitcoins.
Clients can email Alice their documents and Alice will reply with typos and grammatical errors she has found in the documents.

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