HackRF is a software radio tool.
HackRF is a software radio tool.
Different from ‘STD’ lib, STM32 ‘HAL’ lib is more compatible to hardware development and is now well-supported by ST company’s Cube IDE.
Linux can be used as main desktop computer because I have found a harder OS called Unix.
The hardware driver development is involved in the operating system programming.
Welcome to the computer world of Raspberry!
Tmux is a terminal software for multi-windows.
With the time passing, we might face the issue of transfering our blog files when we change our writing computer.
Gnome is an open source desktop environment under Linux.
This article mainly introduces two practical concepts in transfer learning: pretraining and finetuning.
Supposing that you have the experience of developping a CNN using pytorch.
For example in function forward
, you write
1 | h = self.conv1(x) |
Pretraining means that the 1st layer like conv1 and pool1 is done for you by the pretrained model. And the parameters of them are fixed. What you need to do is just finetuning, i.e. you input the model with x as input but the r1 is fixed so your truly take r1 as input and train the later layers’ parameters.
Usually, the pretrained model is in large scale. To get the inside layers of this network, we use some functions like mx.symbol.FullyConnected
to get the fine tuned data.
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