Development of TBAC project.
Subject Build a subject chain Copy 1 2 3 rm -r ~/.shellchain/chainsub ./multichain-util create chainsub ./multichaind chainsub
Once start this chain, the ip address and port number of chainsub
will be shown on the terminal. The default rpc receiving port is chainsub_port-1
Now cancel multichaind
process by Ctrl+D, then edit ~/.shellchain/subject/shellchain.conf
. Here, chainsub
=4361, so rpcport
Now restart chainsub
Get subject chain address Copy 1 ./multichain-cli chainsub getaddresses
Create a new entity using JMeter Params of rpc interface createentity
params[0] is entitytype: 实体类型
entitytype = 1, 拥有权限 connect, send, receive, create, issue, mine, activate, admin
entitytype = 2, 拥有权限 connect, sned, receive, create, issue, mine, activate
entitytype = 3 or others, 拥有权限 send, receive
params[1] is from-address: 创建实体的调用地址,这里是主体链的地址
Enable create-entity and disable others and run and then get the result:
Copy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 { "result":{ "pubkey":"03479a7079bf4e22d3dcf087bcdfe2dc6b4124133fbaec5d14916e6f58fa941918", "privkey":"VCEMsosr4HbwvnZ1NAJGtNWg6BuhN8tFeKpKiScQuiFGtu9q3XPf72Yp", "address":"1WzU2fz7y78bivU36xBZsw1PCR6RUx99BNGFHt", "grant_tx_id":"fb56c60a46b2dc10991f10ce1bb7ff05ae7ac342388f64f842023ee00c6d56fe" }, "error":null, "id":"1" }
Issue an entity from subject chain Copy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 { "id": "1", "chain_name": "subject", "method": "issueentityfrom", "params": [ "1XjRwWhr93s3ZwHHE7N8QrNFrZq5s62fSMueDX", "1WzU2fz7y78bivU36xBZsw1PCR6RUx99BNGFHt", "1", "1231231312311313123111", "VCEMsosr4HbwvnZ1NAJGtNWg6BuhN8tFeKpKiScQuiFGtu9q3XPf72Yp", "******", { "ver": "SRT", "attribute": { "subject-id": "Shane Wang", "age": 24, "faculty": "master", "security-level": 3 } } ] }
Enable this and disable others and run
返回主体信息的交易ID Copy 1 2 3 4 5 { "result":"fc13ee161a90bb49e62fe416f2dbaad75e66d580d2a991fc01f5dd6f6d9ec820", "error":null, "id":"1" }
Error: null suggests a successful SRT registration on subject chain.
Regist an owner of object on subject chain An example of transaction sent to the request chain: Copy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 { "id": "1", "chain_name": "chainrequest", "method": "sendrequestfrom", "params": [ "1YjuDfXfTqtUAW6N1cttSMLStLfhUKbC3sc3nU", "1YjuDfXfTqtUAW6N1cttSMLStLfhUKbC3sc3nU", { "txid": "839a4ed408120fdd3d2f72a319823bf10ecf31663f21359fa4db5c881a37d9f5", "scriptSig": "null" }, "c3662ec6779160be959d119f453d74bd38ceb2305692a5076671f85d545d8d21", "org. apache. pdfbox. pdfctrl# read" ] }
Object Create object chain Copy 1 2 ./multichain-util create object ./multichaind object
create object chain
Then edit shellchain.conf to add rpcallowip and rpcport:object-chain-conf.png
Copy 1 ./multichain-cli object getaddresses
On object chain, no entity is needed so we directly send transaction to object chain for registering object.
Copy ip, port, rpcuser and rpcpassword into JMeter.
Send custom transaction and we will get TXID of object:OET-txid.png
Policy chain Create policy chain Copy 1 ./multichain-util create policy
Regist policy We get an object txid in advance. medica101/ cbadd86ee7ace60491bb9207e28d3ac694fe36e6d656aab26d27483970970733 medica102/ 12d77dc0297f570abef82bfcdb0f60aea25ef7ced8a348d33222319f3ed7edf4
Params: from-address to-address policyid rule-combining-method
Copy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 { "id":"1", "chain_name":"policy", "method":"registpolicy", "params":[ "1AWZxmCBG18MAaMcsz9PaQ7jeLkf9TDA7pCyvc", "1AWZxmCBG18MAaMcsz9PaQ7jeLkf9TDA7pCyvc", "policy1", "deny_override", [ {"attr":"resource-id#Obj","value":"medica101/"} ], [ {"id":"cond1","expr":["object-id","OP_OBJATTR","medical-record-001. pdf","OP_EQUAL"]}, {"id":"cond2","expr":["faculty","OP_SUBATTR","doctor","OP_EQUAL"]}, {"id":"cond3","expr":["action-id","OP_ACTATTR","org. apache. pdfbox. pdfctrl# read","OP_EQUAL"]} ], [ {"id":"rule1","effect":"permit","expr":["cond1" ,"cond3", "OP_BOOLAND","cond2","OP_BOOLOR"]} ] ] }
get return:
Copy 1 2 {"result":"a9f8dcd95c120956f52c99ed4ee4067dccb467d3e4cc765df17fa4ccafc99edb","error":null,"id":"1"} {"result":"50420654e19db96ff8a6a62e7476d36bf48ebefa1e86589b59959790b97b21e1","error":null,"id":"1"}
Update policy chain Params: from-address to-address 生成策略或上一次更新策略返回的txid policyid rule-combing-method target condition rule state
Request chain Create request chain The transaction got from the request chain will be like:
Copy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 ART: { "hex" : "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", "txid" : "21c97d586f29267d5d7c701e639d0f89a2c568577fa8247bf8f24915e788ba25", "version" : 1, "locktime" : 0, "ver" : "ART", "subject" : { "txid" : "839a4ed408120fdd3d2f72a319823bf10ecf31663f21359fa4db5c881a37d9f5", "scriptSig" : "null" }, "object-txid" : "c3662ec6779160be959d119f453d74bd38ceb2305692a5076671f85d545d8d21", "action" : "org. apache. pdfbox. pdfctrl# read", "vin" : [ { "txid" : "9811aabe100a030224b4829225fbff747b63567854bae8d1ff0357a88e0db6e8", "vout" : 0, "scriptSig" : { "asm" : "304402206669661d52e6616536ea38f86914c14321a9f4563609fff2050dc3bb0b3dd94702201642e30d94ea024abc204abe15cea99ce0db4fb4ddccb585f375d31d274a317501 03d2bf881784a2cf0bb2b56a7f4bd685900015ec742826adef3d6bb0cfc3c1447c", "hex" : "47304402206669661d52e6616536ea38f86914c14321a9f4563609fff2050dc3bb0b3dd94702201642e30d94ea024abc204abe15cea99ce0db4fb4ddccb585f375d31d274a3175012103d2bf881784a2cf0bb2b56a7f4bd685900015ec742826adef3d6bb0cfc3c1447c" }, "sequence" : 4294967295 } ], "vout" : [ { "value" : 0.00000000, "n" : 0, "scriptPubKey" : { "asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 ead6e273c04dd3952b003343712410ff5aca7137 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG", "hex" : "76a914ead6e273c04dd3952b003343712410ff5aca713788ac", "reqSigs" : 1, "type" : "pubkeyhash", "addresses" : [ "1YjuDfXfTqtUAW6N1cttSMLStLfhUKbC3sc3nU" ] }, "assets" : [ ], "permissions" : [ ], "items" : [ ] }, { "value" : 0.00000000, "n" : 1, "scriptPubKey" : { "asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 ead6e273c04dd3952b003343712410ff5aca7137 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG", "hex" : "76a914ead6e273c04dd3952b003343712410ff5aca713788ac", "reqSigs" : 1, "type" : "pubkeyhash", "addresses" : [ "1YjuDfXfTqtUAW6N1cttSMLStLfhUKbC3sc3nU" ] }, "assets" : [ ], "permissions" : [ ], "items" : [ ] } ], "data" : [ ], "nType" : 4, "blockhash" : "0040dd89115fb5a7599f6b01a3c54131c19b0646c0b2c09de0e9607dee6621a1", "confirmations" : 190, "time" : 1575293978, "blocktime" : 1575293978 }
for Disqus. Please set it in_config.yml