KDE Desktop Config

KDE is a highly configurable modern Linux desktop environment which is developed by OpenSUSE company.

Plasma is the version alias of KDE5.

I. Installing KDE

I install it on my Arch Linux, so

pacman -S plasma # kde plasma desktop group
pacman -S dolphin # file manager

II. Configure KDE

Disable kde wallet whenever I start Chromium/Chrome

Edit ~/.config/kwalletrc, and add


Disable Meta key for virtual machine windows

Alt+F3 > More Actions > Configure special window settings > Add property > Disable global shortcuts

几种 Linux 桌面的比较

使用 Gnome 缺点:
没法使用 KDE 下一些软件,比如视频剪辑软件 kdenlive

II.1. Configure macOS-like themes

关于主题配置多说一嘴,很多初学者撸 Linux 时酷爱折腾 macOS-like 主题,我这个菜鸟也不例外。但是经过若干年的折腾,我得出的结论是:不管GNOME还是KDE,都没法配置的和 macOS 一模一样。
简简单单一个最大化就能看出端倪。三个特征: 1.最大化后是否能隐藏掉 topbar,并新开一个workspace? 2.退出全屏后能否再回到原来的workspace? 3.最大化后是否有全局菜单?事实上,macOS桌面的全局菜单很鸡肋,因为需要将鼠标频繁移动到桌面边缘。mbp这么设计依赖于非常大的触控板。对于绝大多数非mbp笔记本用户,触控板面积有限,频繁移动鼠标到边缘的效率低。对于追求高效的程序员来说,一些操作能用键盘最好,用鼠标也是最好集中在非屏幕边缘区域。

II.1.a. Global menu

Add Widgets: global menu
For VScode-like electron apps, pacman -S libdbusmenu-glib
For Firefox, pacman -S appmenu-gtk-module
For Chrome, uncheck “Use system titlebar and borders”

For features like macOS-like buttons, hiding title bar when maximized, we have two choices now:

Hiding titlebar when maximizing window for AppMenu < v0.10


Hiding titlebar when maximizing window for Latte Dock >= v0.10 && AppMenu >= v0.10

In Latte Dock settings, enable “Support borderless maximized windows in different layouts” and then check “Borderless” in Layouts editor:

Hiding titlebar when maximizing window AppMenu >= v0.10 && without Latte Dock installed ref 1

kwriteconfig5 --file ~/.config/kwinrc --group Windows --key BorderlessMaximizedWindows true
qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin reconfigure

Choice 2: Active window control


Chrome 设置中关闭 Use system title bar and borders,在 panel 可隐藏模式中使用。
Chrome buttons when window can hover panel
Firefox 需卸载默认版本转而aur安装firefox-appmenu-bin,设置 Mojave Theme,启动 Title bar。在 panel always visible 模式中使用
Firefox buttons when panel is always visible

II.1.b. Window decorations

clone SierraBreeze from github and manually install.
System Settings > Appearance > Window decorations > Theme > Sierra Breeze:
Then go to titlebar buttons frame and drag ‘close’, ‘minimize’, ‘maximize’ buttons onto left side of titlebar.

II.1.c. dock

pacman -S latte-dock and launch it from applications.

II.1.d. Fonts


II.1.f. Plasma Style and cursors

System Settings > Appearance > Plasma Style > Get New Plasma Styles:
Download McMojave and set:
Go to Cursors tab and choose McMojave-circle as the cursor style.

II.2. 具体应用场景下的配置修正

I have three main usages:

  1. 笔记本单屏幕桌面,拥有键鼠+Touchpad
  2. 笔记本合上屏幕作为主机,外接显示屏+键鼠,无Touchpad
  3. 笔记本外接屏幕作为拓展屏

第1种情况下,配置Panel为 Window can hover,最大化13寸小屏幕;使用 Touchpad 四指滑动来回切换win10虚拟机所在桌面。选择Chrome作为主浏览器。
第2种情况下,外接屏幕足够大,而且无Touchpad,所以配置Panel为 Always Visible,使用鼠标点击panel 中的 Desktop 来切换虚拟机桌面和KDE桌面。由于Active Window Control和Chrome的兼容问题,选择 Firefox 作为主浏览器。
第3中情况下有两块屏幕,配置外接屏幕为 Always Visible 即可,支持Touchpad和鼠标点击两种方式切换桌面

III. Restart KDE plasma

type Ctrl+Alt+F2 into a new shell, then type

killall plasmashell && kstart plasmashell


plasmashell --replace


设计模式 之 适配器 Chrome 浏览器插件推荐


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